Join Raven Kaldera's Legions of Terror!

Long ago, a rather paranoid woman named Janice Raymond wrote a book called The Transsexual Empire, which accused transwomen of all manner of unlikely things. (Transmen were largely ignored as fictional.) Some time later, a transwoman named Sandy Stone wrote a rebuttal called The Empire Strikes Back. It was at this point that the seed was planted: if there is a Transsexual Empire, obviously it needs an Evil Overlord, right? And who, among the vast teeming masses of the gender transgressive, is more appropriate for the job than myself?

So I unilaterally declared myself Evil Overlord of the Transsexual Empire, and began to fill the ranks of my Legions of Terror. And it's easy to join my Legions of Terror! We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, so you don't have to be transsexual or transgendered to join -- you just have to be terrifying to the ordinary mundane status quo.

The positions of Random Degenerate and Cannon Fodder do not require applications; simply order the T-shirt featured here and wear it -- and welcome to the front lines of the Legions!

To be a true Henchbeing in the Legions of Terror you must apply for a particular job. If you choose to, you may then order a highly esteemed Henchbeing T-shirt with your job title printed on the back. (Why "henchbeing"? Because "hench-man" is far too limiting to describe the fascinating collection of genders represented in the Legions of Terror.)

Those who have rendered personal service to the Evil Overlord himself may be promoted to Minion status. To serve as a Minion and earn the special Minion shirt, you must apply in person to Joshua Tenpenny, Lead Minion and Harem Coordinator.

Meet the Legions

Raven Kaldera, Evil Overlord

- Joshua Tenpenny, Lead Minion & Harem Coordinator
- Ruth, Chew Toy of the Overlord

- Corwin, Charioteer
- Elizabeth, Nutrition Consultant
- Kiki Wyrdsystyr: Hive Mind Coordinator
- Sable Twilight: Public Relations
- Bear A-M Rodgers: Director, Fecal Ballistics Team
- Erin Russ: Director of Subversive Operations
- Zack Cruze: Alligator Pit Protocol Consultant
- Dee Bellwether: Cephalopod Trainer
- Sofia Koestel: Weapon of Mass Deconstruction
- Evan Young: Policy Director, Office of Malevolent Technology
- Alyosha Shagalov: Secret Agent
- Valdyrnott Lokisson: Glossolalia Interpreter
- Chris Ursa Majus: Head of Ladies' Auxiliary, Member of Lubrication Squad
- Mary Jorgensen: Dungeon Mistress, Member of Ladies' Auxiliary
- Brett: Youth Minister