Class Lists

Raven offers a large number of classes and workshops. He appreciates, but does not require, a small speaker’s fee. He does, however, require that his admission fee be waived to any events which charge one. For events outside of Central Massachusetts, Raven also requires that his travel expenses be reimbursed and that he be provided with lodging for himself and his assistant. He can also give small classes or private lessons at Cauldron Farm, and will barter for services in cases of financial hardship.

Here are a few of his more popular workshops. If you have any questions about workshop content or Raven’s availability, please contact him at or 978-928-9795.

Pagan Workshops

1) The Tribe of Hearts: Pagan Polyamory

Polyamory, or ethical, negotiated non-monogamy, is a lifestyle that is growing by leaps and bounds in the Pagan community. This workshop discusses how we Pagans do it differently from other groups, and how polyamory can be used as a spiritual discipline of love and relationship. It’s also a good basic primer for people who just want to know what polyamory is all about, what it is that we do and don’t do. By the author of “Pagan Polyamory: Building A Tribe Of Hearts”.

2) Pagan Homesteading

The wheel of the Pagan year is based around a rural agricultural calendar, but most pagans no longer live that kind of life. This workshop is about those who do: the pagan homesteaders who went back to the land and stayed there. It’s for those who do it, those who’d like to, and those who’d just like to find out about what it’s like to live the cycle of the year this closely. Even if you live in the city and only have a tiny backyard garden, you can learn more about how our ancestors saw the turning year, and enrich your life. By the author of “EarthBound: Pagan Homesteading”.

3) Pathwalker’s Guide to the Nine Worlds

For those who work with Norse/Germanic/Saxon cosmology, and who journey or pathwalk to the Nine Worlds that surround the World Tree, or who’d like to try it but want to know what to expect. We’ll share our experiences with geography, using runes for journeying and pathwalking, otherworldly etiquette, making magical gear, and not getting lost. Please have some basic familiarity with the general Norse/Germanic/Saxon tradition, or you might be a bit bewildered. Taught by a northern-tradition shaman.

4) Northern-Tradition Shamanism

This workshop introduces a shamanic tradition that is being slowly reconstructed by modern practitioners, based on the spiritual paths and tools of Germanic, Norse, Anglo-Saxon, and Saami ancient tribal peoples. We’ll discuss tools and techniques, Gods and spirits, roles and taboos, and the difference between a shaman and a shamanic practitioner. Come learn the shamanic traditions of my ancestors…and perhaps your own.

5) Northern-Tradition Herbalism
The ancient peoples of northern Europe had a working knowledge of herbs that included not only their medicinal uses, but also partnership with the plant spirits. The early-medieval healer of northern Europe was known as the Leike, and their course of study included this style of hands-on, soul-on herbalism, as well as spells and charms for working with the plant spirits and their patron deities. We’ll explore this form of medicinal and magical herbalism the way our ancestors did.

6) Elemental Herbal Energetics
A “Pagan Herbalism 201” class, for those who already have some grounding in herbalism. Both herbs and physical ailments can be divided by the elements, according to energy, taste, and action. This class will discuss how to find the right herb for the job, and how to tell if it will work for the body in question. Derived from old European herbalism and some spirit-taught traditions, this will illuminate herbalism as much more than just a “cookbook” of plants.

7) Sex Magic in the Northern Tradition

In the Norse/Germanic cosmology, nine worlds spin around a world tree from heaven to underworld, and each has something to teach us about sexuality and sex magic. In the Northern Tradition, sex magic is a shamanic tool to raise power in many different ways, on different spectrums. Male, female or in between? Sky, roots, or Midgard=s earth? Transcendent, material, or community? Come and hear the stories of the northern Gods and their sexual magic.

8) Independent Pagan Publishing

The Neo-Pagan religion has always been a literary one, changed and driven by books and authors. This means that writers and publishers have a strong effect on the way our religion has been practiced. But Pagan publishing today is in an interesting quandary. Pagan-focused presses are small, and bound by market forces, which means what will sell a whole lot Now, which means Lowest Common Denominator. What are the alternatives? We=ll discuss the growing phenomena of print-on-demand, author=s cooperatives, and other do-it-yourself methods. We=ll also discuss quality control for the aspiring author. How can you get your words out there? Let=s find out.

9) Personal Gnosis: Judging the Spiritual Experience

Most Pagans (and other polytheistic minority religions) would agree that personal experiences of Deit(ies) are fine when they’re kept to yourself … but what about when they’re not? How do we decide whose divine messages get incorporated into group practice, and whose don’t? How can we trust each other? How did the ancient world handle these issues? This will be a discussion group on how to healthily incorporate personal gnosis into group doctrine. Please come with intent to be courteous and respectful of others’ views; the moderator is a hardass and will not tolerate rudeness.

10) Psychic Vampires

What are psychic vampires, really? Are there different types? Can anyone become one, or are you born that way? How can you protect yourself, and what do you do if you think you might be one? How does psychic vampirism fit into energy work, and is it good for anything? We’ll discuss the answers to these questions, and more. Please have some familiarity with the concept of “energy work”, or you may be somewhat bewildered. By the author of “The Ethical Psychic Vampire”.

11) Hera’s Blessing: Pagan Handfastings

Thinking of getting handfasted, or do you simply dream about it? Or are you pagan clergy, getting ready to perform weddings for pagan lovers? This workshop is about the practicalities of pagan weddings and handfastings – building your ritual, choosing your site, dealing with the issues of being “out” to your relatives. Interfaith, polyamorous, and nonheterosexual pagan weddings are also covered, as is the ethical issues pagan clergy face in dealing with marrying people. By the co-author of “Handfastings and Wedding Rituals”.

12) Mythical Pathworking With Astrology

Astrology is a tool not only of divination, but of spiritual understanding….but far too often, novice astrologers get swamped and confused by all those abstract symbols, strange jargon, and shallow “cookbook” descriptions. That’s the “scientific” way to learn astrology….this workshop will talk about the shamanic way to learn it, which is all about understanding the myths and stories that the cosmic clock has to tell us, and how to work with them to change your life. By the author of “MythAstrology”.

13) Pagan Prayer Beads

Religions all over the world – Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Muslim, even African tribal religions – use prayer beads as a tool of meditation and worship. Paganism has also recently discovered the usefulness of prayer beads, and many different types are springing up. This workshop gives an overview of many different sorts of pagan prayer beads, both pantheon-specific and purpose- specific, how to choose, and how to use them…and why it’s a good thing, sometimes, to pray.

14) The Magic of Fiber Arts

Do you handspin, or knit, or weave, or embroider, or do other fiber arts? These crafts have been used for sacred and magical purposes since Neolithic times, and still are! Come learn to use fiber arts for all manner of magical possibilities! Beginners are welcome and so are people of all genders. Bring your string!

15) Dealing With Deities: How To Manage A Polytheistic Pantheon

We neo-pagans are as eclectic about our gods as we are about everything else. However, there’s more to the nature of most deities than you can find in the average high-school book of myths. This workshop will explore the experience of connecting with different deities, their intrinsic natures, and how to respectfully deal with them. We’ll cover appropriate offerings, offering places, altars, and rituals for a wide variety of gods and goddesses from many cultural pantheons. We’ll also discuss how to communicate with the gods of foreign places without letting too many of our own cultural biases get in the way….and we’ll explore our favorite little-known gods and goddesses as well.

16) Magical Gardening

Are you a witch who’s planning your garden? This class covers how to create magical gardens for protection, love, and other influences.

17) Elemental Magic: Spells From The Four Directions

Learn the magic of earth, air, fire, and water! We’ll spend one class on each element, learning its nature, its spirits and devas, songs and chants, and how to use it magically. Each class will also allow you to make and take home several charms and spells. Get a start on your own Book of Shadows.

Elemental Magic I: The Magic of Air.
Folk spells and magic throughout the ages with wind, breeze, and breath.

Elemental Magic II: The Magic of Fire.
Folk spells and magic throughout the ages with flame of hearth and candle.

Elemental Magic III: The Magic of Water.
Folk spells and magic throughout the ages with river, ocean, and your own faucet.

Elemental Magic IV: The Magic of Earth.
Folk spells and magic throughout the ages with tree, plant, stone, and soil.

18) The Futhorc Runes Inside And Out

Learn to do divination and magic with the ancient Runes of the Norse and Germanic peoples! This class covers the 33 Futhorc runes, including both divinatory uses and magical uses – runemalen and galdr; rune staves and stones, and how to write in Old English runes for magical prescriptions. Bring your own runeset, or order yourself a custom-made set of wooden or semiprecious stone runes.

19) Palmistry: Your Life Is In The Palm Of Your Hand

Like the archetypal travelling fortune-teller, the art of palmistry – reading your fortune from the lines on your hand – has come through many countries and many centuries. Learn how to do this witchiest of divinatory arts.

20) The Adrinka Symbols: African Divination

The Ashanti people of Africa use a set of sacred divinatory symbols that are drawn on funeral shrouds and sacred garments; you can learn divination with these African emblems. Optional Adrinka kits cost $30 extra.

21) Mask Magic: The Ritual Art of the Second Face
Masks have always been a part of ritual and religion, going back to the era of the hunters clad in animal-skins who danced around prehistoric fires. You’ll experience a mask ritual, and learn how to craft sacred masks for your own magical and ritual purposes. Come prepared to let your second face speak to you!

22) The Eightfold Path of Altered States

Spirit-workers and magicians the world over, and all throughout time, have used a variety of methods to go into altered states. From there, they could access other worlds and touch divine forces. This class will give you a map of the eight roads to that unique place, covering methods of altered states used by all cultures, some more dangerous than others. From the Path of Rhythm to the Path of Sacred Plants to the Path of Meditation to the Ordeal Path, we’ll explore them all. We will not, however, be using these methods in class; this is discussion only.

Intersex/Transgender Workshops

Transgender Spirituality

We have been symbols of the sacred two-in-one for thousands of years. Come hear the ancient stories about us, and rediscover our sacred nature. For transgendered people of all stripes, and anyone who is just interested in more direct ways of spiritually balancing male and female. By the author of “Hermaphrodeities: The Transgender Spirituality Workbook”.

Intersex Issues in Social Health and Politics

How does the conundrum of intersexual identity fit in with the various facets of gender politics and activism? How does it figure as a social health issue, or as an issue of feminist and progressive politics? More to the point, what can we actually do about the problems of intersex people, without seeing them as theoretical justifications, colonizable poster children, or circus freaks? This workshop will discuss practical possibilities for all of us.

The Two-Ton Gorilla Standing Between Us: The Feminist-Transgender Barrier

The feminist movement and the transgender movement have gone back and forth between being uneasy allies and being outright enemies, when both sides would be better off being friends – especially when so many more cross over both groups every day. Still, issues of ideology keep us apart, and it’s time to face and discuss the two-ton gorilla in the corner: the politics of gendered body modification. This is a controversial, in-your-face workshop; heated debate is fine, but let’s remember to be respectful with each other.

The Sacred Third: An Exploration of Transgender Sacred Sexuality

Sex is sacred, and can be a source of great spiritual power and beauty. Walking the path of being the Sacred Third in this world can also be an integral and powerful part of one’s spirituality. Yet in general, few know what a cross-section of those two paths would look like. The surviving traditions of sacred sex, sex magic, and energy work do not have clear guidelines for the work of those of us whose souls, energy, and sometimes our bodies exist somewhere between male and female. What does sacred sexuality look like when we do it, in all our ambivalent glory?

Loving Two In One: Sex and Relationships with Transgendered Lovers

It takes a special kind of person to be in a relationship with a transgendered person. We’re complex people with a lot of special needs, but we’re worth it. We’ll explore what it takes to date, love, and commit to people who are more than just male or female. This workshop is for anyone of any gender who loves, lusts after, or embodies the sacred Third.

Transitioning With A Third Gender Identity

Let’s think clearly about what physical transition means when it intersects with identity. Wondering whether to physically transition but held back because you don’t have a solidly male or female identity? That doesn’t have to be a barrier. Let’s talk about the ambivalencies of shapeshifting your flesh when your identity is all over the place. Come with questions!

Other Workshops

Raven can give workshops, classes, lectures and private lessons on a number of topics, including ritual creation, homestead and craft skills, Pagan BDSM, and the mythology of many cultures. Please contact him for more details. He does not offer any lessons online or over the telephone.